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My Formula for Success: CAN DO GEMS

When I was invited by the founder of a women's entrepreneurship organization to run a goal-setting challenge with her members to kick off 2021, I pondered the right approach. These women are ambitious dreamers and doers, most of whom already had big goals in their sights come January first. And then it occurred to me - while many highly motivated individuals already know what they want, they don't always have the how - habits that support their goal achievement in healthy ways. So, I decided to challenge them with my own daily routine, a nine-ingredient formula for success that I call my CAN DO GEMS.

These 'gems' help me maintain focus on all four pillars of wellness (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) while making follow-through on my goals a top priority.

  1. Consistency - Show up every day like it's your job and do the work - even if you're not seeing results yet. When we are consistent with our habits, we are still making progress and moving forward on our goals. Results don't happen overnight.

  2. Attitude - Wake up with a positive mindset. You are creating a life that makes you want to jump out of bed and get to work!

  3. Nourishment - Eat healthfully. Hydrate throughout the day. Stretch and move your body. Consider supplements to prevent nutritional deficits. Nourish your mind and relationships as well as your body: make a meaningful connection and learn something new every day.

  4. Dreams - Connecting to our dream every day keeps us motivated. Write down your big dreams for your life in your journal or a notebook, in the present tense, as though you've already achieved them. Create a Vision Board that reflects your dreams, and place it somewhere you see it every day.

  5. Objectives - Use a paper day planner. Each morning, before launching into the work of the day, list your top three objectives. Each one should move the needle on a big dream.

  6. Gratitude - Recognizing the blessings that already exist within and around us fuels our focus on abundance and feelings of expansiveness.

  7. Energy - There is a direct correlation between our energy level and our success. Commit to getting enough sleep. Note when your energy dips during the day, and rather than reach for the caffeine, do five minutes of physical activity, like a dance party beside your desk. Plan your most important tasks for when your energy is at its peak.

  8. Meaning - Mindfulness infuses meaning into our actions. Set mini intentions as you transition to new activities throughout your day. Remember: even when performing everyday tasks, we can be purposeful and passionate. Act in alignment with your values, and connect to the 'why' of your dreams and work.

  9. Self-love - This is the foundation of our success, and the most important gem of them all. Love the person you are right now - not just your future self, but the you who strives and struggles and shows up. Be kind to yourself. Set healthy boundaries around your time and mental and emotional energy. Commit to one act of meaningful self-care every day, no matter how small.

Check out the CAN DO GEMS Challenge posts in the Sparked Living Facebook Group. Share your goals and habits. Give encouragement and get support on your goals. I'd love to read about your journey!

Here's an infographic that consolidates all the GEMS in one place and lists some additional resources to keep the momentum moving forward.


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